Construction Law Is All We Do
Call now: 714-401-4016
We are good at what we do, because
Construction Law is All We Do
Construction-Specific Business Formation and Transactional Services
Defect and Work Performance Disputes
Mediation and Dispute Resolution Services
Contract Bidding, Negotiation and Preparation for Private and Public Projects

Strong legal support diffuses construction litigation stress

If a dispute arises between you and a person or group of people with whom you have a contract, the complexity of the issues can make it difficult to resolve the matter out of court. Beyond the legalities of a contract or building project dispute, such situations often evoke bad feelings between the parties. This is one of many reasons why it is helpful to enlist support from a California construction litigation law attorney before heading to court.

An experienced contracts law attorney can carefully review your case and determine whether you have grounds to file a lawsuit. An attorney can also recommend strategies to defend yourself and protect your interests when someone has filed a lawsuit against you. Whether you are drafting a summons and complaint or answering a complaint filed against you, acting alongside experienced legal representation helps alleviate stress as you navigate the legal system.

Why it is helpful to let an attorney act on your behalf in court

There’s no need to try to handle a complex construction dispute on your own when you can ask an experienced attorney to do so. An attorney can gather and help prepare witnesses and can also develop a much more persuasive argument than you might be able to do without legal guidance. In fact, the opening and closing statements of an attorney are often key factors toward a courtroom victory.

Seeking construction litigation support in California

The Law Offices of John R. Lobherr, in California, are dedicated to providing strong support to those who are facing construction litigation issues. By requesting a meeting, you can be confident to obtain guidance and recommendations that help ensure that you will obtain a fair and agreeable outcome. The sooner you take steps to start building a strong case, the better prepared you might be to secure a victory, especially if things get complicated in court.
