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Judge rules on construction litigation regarding bid protest

Legal woes have been brewing in another state between a company that bid on a multi-billion-dollar project and the state that was doing the hiring. The construction company launched a protest after it lost the bid. The state refused to consider the protest, claiming that the company had missed the deadline in order to file necessary documents. These kinds of disputes sometimes occur in California as well. 

However, a circuit court judge has since ruled otherwise. The judge determined that the company did not miss the deadline, and therefore, the state must allow the bidding protest process to take place. The company in question has cited several reasons why the company whose bid was accepted should either be disqualified or a new bidding process should take place.  

Lead contractor withdrew shortly after the shortlist was made 

The construction company that is protesting a bid that the state of Maryland accepted for a large highway project has stated that the bid the other company submitted was based on unreasonably low and unrealistic construction costs. The company also cited the fact that the lead contractor withdrew from the project just after the shortlist was produced. Because of this, those protesting the bid have stated that the absence of a lead contractor should have disqualified the other company from the bidding process.  

Bid protests often cause substantial project delays 

The multi-billion-dollar project is now on hold while construction litigation issues are ironed out. Anyone facing similar business problems in California may benefit from seeking legal counsel from an attorney who is well-versed in construction law issues. An experienced attorney is often able to facilitate discussion between parties that results in a client being able to peacefully settle a dispute out of court but can also be on hand in case litigation is necessary. 
