Whether a job site is located here in California or elsewhere, one thing all general contractors know is that anything can go wrong at any time. Changes and details do not have to be large to cause problems. If a dispute cannot be resolved amicably, construction litigation may be the next step.
Disputes wreak havoc on construction projects. They cost time, money and relationships, which most people on both sides of the issue cannot afford. The faster that a particular dispute can reach a resolution, the better off everyone involved will be.
For this reason, contractors can take steps that prepare viable defenses well ahead of the need for them. For example, it would be beneficial to structure contracts in a way that provides for the use of SB 800 “Right to Repair Defenses.” In addition, every project could benefit from a review of insurance strategies. Having the right policies in place could eliminate the need for litigation if it becomes necessary. Resolving a problem may be as easy as filing an insurance claim, which could mean that everyone gets back to work in a timely manner with minimal financial losses.
Preparing for construction litigation does not only happen once someone files a lawsuit against a contractor. It can actually begin long before that with the right advice and guidance. Preparing contracts that anticipate disputes and creating insurance strategies that build in avenues for quick resolutions will more than likely require the advice and assistance of an attorney well versed in California construction law, contract law and litigation. Having such well-rounded knowledge available in order to make projects go more smoothly could help make any project a success.