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Lack of internet access endangers rural California

The expansion of states’ and municipalities’ legal requirements on the internet has made resources for businesses more accessible than ever. Many businesses can file important documents, legally required reports and even their taxes online.

There are several limits to online business creation. It is often easier to get into a business than get out of it or change it. Many first-time business creators do not know the advantages and disadvantages of specific tax structures and regulations, which can save or cost them thousands or even their business.

Another limitation is the lack of reliable internet access to rural businesses, which remains a problem in much of California. Nearly half of the residents in the Golden State do not have broadband internet service as defined by government regulators. This means many would-be small businesses are left out of the main resource for information and management.

A slew of new federal and state regulations that affect businesses of most sizes may also be less apparent in areas with low internet penetration. Some businesses may be endangering themselves with an inadvertent ignorance of important new rules.

Observers of California are concerned these limitations are holding back a vital part of the state’s potential for economic growth. Since rural areas make up much of the state that has not enjoyed the recent economic boom, it’s now or never for many small- and medium-sized businesses.

A lawyer is always a good ally for Californians looking to start a business. Legal representation can help entrepreneurs overcome several limitations by assisting with the planning and filing required for successful businesses.
