Contractors in California have to work hard to obtain their licenses to conduct business, and in many ways this license is absolutely critical to most contractors’ ability to continue to perform and be compensated for future work. Just obtaining a license from the Contractors State License Board (CSLB) can be a complicated endeavor, but it doesn’t end there. Contractors in California need to take proactive measures to protect their licenses against claims, complaints and allegations from clients, otherwise they could lose the very thing they’ve worked so hard to achieve.
The CSLB is a body that exists to regulate contractors in the state, but also to educate consumers when choosing a contractor to handle their construction projects. Each and every complaint against a contractor, whether grounded in reality or not, has the potential to seriously impact that contractor’s reputation, credibility, and ability to conduct future business in the state. Therefore, it is important that contractors take immediate steps to protect themselves from consumer complaints before they become a permanent problem.
Most complaints stem from a lack of communication at some point in the contracting process, leading to contract disputes, cost overruns and other outcomes that leave the consumer less than fully satisfied. Some of these complaints are legitimate, but even those that aren’t can still create a negative record with the CSLB.
John R. Lobherr has practiced in the construction industry for over 30 years, and has seen good contractors pay the price for failing to handle complaint situations fully and adequately. John Lobherr helps contractors protect their businesses from complaints, but can also help his contractor clients avoid situations which may lead to complaints and litigation in the first place.